Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"Every Christian is A Statesman" Abigail Adams, Founding Mother

The power of the pen.  After reading the vision that Abigail Adams had, I felt that I could instruct our school in the duty and privilege that Christians had to influence our legislators.  Abigail, Benjamin Rush, John Quincy Adams, rather than being evil bigots, I found, were very admirable, and downright heroes.  They were willing to live and die for the truth and for justice in their day.  They all fought to free the slaves, and they established many valuable institutions in their nation that benefited the citizens  They really were those of whom we say "the man made the times".
Their lives made a huge difference.
Following the conviction that Christians must speak up for truth and for those who may not be able to speak for themselves, my husband and I joined Concerned Women for America and learned how to get educated, pray for and contact the leaders, and to present our position.
We had also learned of the right of petition and of public assembly.
In an 8 yr struggle to Protect Traditional Marriage, we exercised our liberties to collect petition signatures and to assemble publicly to protest.
We began collecting signatures in 2006 or so.  We presented them to the Gen Assbly and were treated with great disrespect.  In 2011 when the Christian based Conservatives took over in NC, Sen. Forrester, the leading sponsor, proposed the Amendment again, for the 8th time.  This time, we called, presented petitions, rallied, assembled, wrote letters to the editor, and lobbied.  The paper paid attention to us, and the revolutionary Black Christians led the effort as they denied that same sex marriage is a Civil Right.
The day of the vote, we brought approx. 2000 signatures to the General Assembly.  Homeschool families that had been working steadily for years came and joined others who rallied for the Right to Vote to keep Traditional Marriage the law of the land.  The NC voters will have the right to vote in May at the Primaries.

The following articles tell the story.
The Fayetteville Market House Pro-Marriage Rally
The Interview on the Marriage Amendment
The Rally at the Capitol in Raleigh
The Black Christian Leaders Press Rally Senate and House pass the motion for NC voters to Vote On Marriage in May Primaries

We are Amazed at the inroads we made and the power of the freedoms that we have WHEN WE USE THEM.  It's like my friend's comments at a soccer game: "One soccer team was aggressively kicking the ball, and the other team didn't take hold of the ball.  The aggressive team should never have gotten in So Deep, but the other team didn't engage the ball-they backed off.  They got into the defending team's territory Way Too Deep, then it was Almost Impossible to get them back out."   Let's Pray, and then ACT!